Sunday, January 29, 2012

Occupy Anything but a Job vs The Tea Party

The Democrats, among many others, have wrapped their blanket of support around the Occupy Anything but a Job crowd.  

Conservatives and common sense thinking individuals of all parities, races and ethnic backgrounds have wrapped their blanket of support around the TEA Party Patriots.

The Integrity Free Media has done their duty to support the Democrats and the Occupy Anything but a Job crowd.

The Republican Elite, primarily the RINO's, whose main goal in life seems only to be to get re-elected, tend to distance themselves from the TEA Party.

In my opinion the TEA Party is the only conservative party in existence and I believe it reflects the belief and thinking of the majority of American's.  

But to be fair, lets just compare how the Occupy Crowd's record on societal interaction with that of the TEA Party.  Let's compare both the societal interaction facts and the facts about who supports each group.

Societal Interaction facts
Occupy Crowd movement through October 2011
Number of Days: 40 Number of Arrests: 2511
Number of Arrests per Day: 62
Number of Public Defecations: 1
Number of Rapes: 4
Cost to Taxpayers: $3.2 Million (in New York alone)
Number of Days: 984 (As of October 2011)
Number of Arrests: 0
Number of Arrests per Day: 0
Number of Public Defecations: 0
Number of Rapes:  0
Cost to Taxpayers: $0.00.

People and organizations that support the Occupy Crowd

Black Panthers
President Barack Obama
Vice President Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi
Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei
Hugo Chavez

People and organizations that support the TEA Party

Common Sense Thinkers of all parties and occupations
Conservatives of all parties and occupations
The millions of Americans who get up everyday, go to work, make a living, pay their taxes and ask nothing from the government except a fair and level playing field so they can live their lives without excessive governmental intervention.

You be the judge of which group best fits your value system!

Willie P
A common sense thinking conservative from flyover country!

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