1/24/2013 Thursday 8:15 AM
Alert: liberals and Obama administration repeal multiple laws of human nature, hurting women, men, the ground fighting forces and common sense.
And it is not because women are weaker or less capable that this is wrong, it is because no civilized society is prepared for women warriors to become POW's. No civilized society should allow it.
Contrary to pop culture, liberal feel good logic, the Unites States is the only country in the world that attempts to play by the 'rules of engagement" set out for War. None of the worlds previous enemies played by the rules and we have seen in vivid color what the communist in Vietnam and the Islamic Jihadist in the Middle East do to prisoners that they capture. Not only do they torture, sodomize and burn their bodies, the parade them through the streets to intimate anyone who opposes them. Think back to September 2012 and Benghazi for the most recent example.
Now imagine a female POW. Imagine the scene of US female soldier being gang raped, sodomized and the being dragged through the streets before having their brutalized and burned bodies hung in public for all to see! Imagine the negotiating power the bad guys will have once they have female POW's as trading chips! And make no mistake the bad guys do not play by the rules.
The following article is more succinct, polite and eloquent.
This is a cultural mistake and the US will regret this decision! Is their no one with a brain left inside the Beltway?
Willie P
The new policy is a disastrous mistake. ![]() ![]()
We have apparently arrived at the Golden Age, free from strife and the threat of foreign enemies. Little else can explain so gratuitous a decision as to place women in combat units. The downsides to such a policy are legion and obvious; the only reason to pursue it is to placate feminism’s insatiable and narcissistic drive for absolute official equality between the sexes.
Any claim that our fighting forces are not reaching their maximum potential because females are not included is absurd. The number of women who are the equal to reasonably well-developed men in upper-body strength and who have the same stamina and endurance is vanishingly small. Because the number of women who will meet the military’s already debased physical-fitness standard will not satisfy the feminists’ demand for representation, the fitness standard will inevitably be lowered across the board or for women alone, as we have seen in civilian uniformed forces.
Even if Leon Panetta intends to keep female fighting units sex-segregated, that distinction won’t last. Feminists will complain that female-only units stigmatize women. Chivalry is one of the great civilizing forces, taming men and introducing social graces and nuance to what would otherwise be a brutish social world. It is already on life support, but sex-integrated combat units will provide the coup de grâce. If a woman is taken prisoner, will special efforts be made to rescue her to save her from the risk of rape? If so, the necessary equality among unit members will be destroyed. If, however, policy requires that she take her chances along with the male captives, we are requiring men to squelch any last remaining vestige of their impulse towards protection and appreciation of female difference. I am not aware of any comparable crusade to create gender-integrated football teams. At least America knows what’s really important. — Heather Mac Donald is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. |